Since Nathan was little, he has been cultivating the hero that was inside his heart. Now, he decided to write a book that would come along parents to inspire their children to imagine themselves becoming a hero in their own stories. The Way of Kings is a beautiful book written with you in mind.
This week, I have been pondering death and dying to self. If only I had known that was the secret to my life of worship—giving up my rights, pouring out my life, choosing to serve others as Christ did, and living into the joy of the Holy Spirit surging through my life to bring His light and love to bear.
Being “for” someone does not mean that they will always exhibit the kind of behavior or character we deem admirable. But it is looking at our children with unconditional love and cultivating eyes that see the possibilities in the midst of the “terrible twos” of toddlers or hormonal teen years.
Our world is very troubled now and has been for a long time. Yet, I have learned that cultivating joy, being a light bearer is a spiritual discipline to practice, employ in the demands of every day life.
Some things are more important than all the piles of “to do’s.” Time with my very precious daughter, where we would invest in one another’s lives, talk, make memories drove me to put everything aside for one day and to make the spontaneous commitment.
So much to share about on this Tea Time Tuesday podcast: music, lentil soup recipe, 2 books to read, stories about Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mozart. Blessings and blessings to all of you today!
Serving others, when it becomes a habit, becomes an art form that can bring great pleasure and a sense of accomplishment to us and our families.
I decided I could slip in one more Tea Time Tuesday! Today I’ll share about umbrellas, spiritual trends in America, and a new book, The Resilient Pastor, along with a chat with Pastor Glenn Pakiam.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting a kindred spirit: Cristina Odone, who works as the Director of The Family Policy at The Centre for Social Justice. Her story was so amazing that I knew I wanted to have her join me on a podcast so that you could hear it.
I share many thoughts this week about my eye accident, why I am having surgery, and what I have learned over many years of how to become a dependable and wise warrior in this broken world.
When a child grows up developing graciousness as they go, they will have it as a treasure the rest of their lives.
Today, I'll share all about my trip to London, some tasty food, and what I have been pondering lately about cultivating patience and flexibility.
Character is the pool from which our children will live and make all of their life decisions. Virtue takes a lifetime to build, yet is it one of the best gifts we can give or our children.
When we feel someone knows us and still loves us and understands us and our deepest thoughts and dreams, we are so very grateful. I pray you will feel seen, loved and affirmed in our time together for Tea Time Tuesday.
To give our children a virtuous heart, to teach them to value hard work, patience, relationship skills, truth-telling, keeping their word and so much more is to bless them for their whole life.
How I wish I could have each of you over for tea to my little home today. I would pick your brain, hear your thoughts and dreams, share with you mine. To have the opportunity to share in real friendship is one of the treasures of my life. So join me today for another Tea Time Tuesday podcast!
Our children will adopt a “putting others first” heart only if we first help them have God’s mind about selflessness. Instructing our children in what it truly means to put the needs of others first will enable them to be great friends and have great friends.
Just the other day, I was looking at old photos and found a favorite from some friends I used to spend a weekend a year with at the beach before or after our California conference—I could never have made it through all the years without my sweet friends.
Ely has for many years been one of my very favorite towns in the UK. What a gift it was that a sweet friend of mine invited me to go on a little 2 day explore together to have fun once again in the Magical Medieval town.
While every family has its own story and each puzzle of life is different, there are some practical ways we can make the life of faith tangible to our children and those are the focus of the second half of this chapter!
I have a family of tea cups that sit together on my shelf wherever I live. Stay tuned — you will be seeing my adventures with tea cup in hand. I have some adventures planned this very week. As mom of 4, I learned to see life as an adventure and to create a sense of joyful adventures along the way, even in mundane days.
In the weeks ahead, I will be hosting a podcast series from my book, 10 Gifts of Heart, a book Clay and I wrote to focus on the habits we wanted our children to have before they left our home and entered the world as adults. Today, I talk with my friend, Dr. Michael Ward, about his book, After Humanity, and we discuss the role virtue plays in the shaping of character. Be inspired.