Giggling, belly laughing and guffawing they say are good for your soul — even scripture teaches that a joyful heart is good medicine. Today on my podcast, Keelia, Nathan, and I could not stop laughing. We hope you enjoy the merriment.
God is with us, He will answer and He cares for you. Today, in my podcast, I speak of ways and rhythms I practice in my life to bring my being back to health and strengthen and ways to keep myself going forward.
It took a lifetime to build our home and environment and books and rhythms that echo through all of the days -- tea mornings, breakfast every day, evening meals… it is fun to see how much my children have adopted and applied these things in their own way.
It is simple to see all the flaws in my children, my husband, and myself. But that is not healthy or biblical. I am practicing several commitments to help me see each person for who they are inside and to bring a fresh wind of grace to each moment.
I snuck out of the house, I betook myself to a lovely breakfast in an outdoor cafe and breathed in peace, and centered myself for an hour before jumping back into the wild of life. Finally, my life began to be centered, ideas flowed and peace ruled. Take time for yourself to sit, ponder and sip.
Our multitudinous little tasks, washing one more dish, correcting one more attitude, kissing one more cheek, when given from a heart full of love for Him, pleases Him far more than if we made millions & had a title of strategic importance.