Mothers were uniquely created to create goodness and calm chaos, to kindle hope, and foster faith. We are the beauty bringers and soul shapers of our homes and our communities.
When we add up a life of faithfulness in serving God, accumulating maturity, grace, knowledge, wisdom, failure, forgiveness, compassion—it is thousands of moments of choosing to practice persevering, one moment at a time.
Rainy days will come, but the way you handle them will determine your ability to keep going forward.
I pray that this book will refresh you in your ideals and give you a sense of why bringing rhythms of grace regularly into your life will help you keep steadfast in your meaningful work of mentoring, loving, serving and praying for those in your personal life and story.
I have been through so many seasons, but I have learned how to keep going forward, by God’s grace. I pray you are encouraged in your own season of giving yourself to your ideals.
Teatime Discipleship is about the hospitality one friend offers another, to link arms, to say, "I am here for you" in a world that is draining and isolating.
Each of us is designed by God to whisper His words to the hearts of our children so they will feel the call of God in their own lives to become "fishers of men."
Sometimes a girl needs a little spoiling. Just a fun, special tea time with a dear friend can pick me up! Like the Dowager Countess can say, “Well, there is nothing else to be done. Let’s have tea.”
If you are experiencing weariness and discouragement, it signifies you are engaged in the battle. Join me today to find some answers to bring peace to the trenches of life.