It is encouraging to be amongst friends that are driven and excited about finding ways to minister to women who are lonely and doing their best to parent the children that God has blessed them with. I pray you will be encouraged by our conversation and find something to carry you through this season with courage and hope.
Hearing Carlos and Alexa's love story, how they met and got married, was a picture of God’s providence in their lives. They now have 3 young children, and have continued to have flourishing careers as actors, musicians, and performers. Both are dynamic and articulate about their lives and faith, personal and warm, inspiring and grounded. I know you will love this podcast.
My friends, pray for me to run this marathon well and finish still alive. Sending love, prayers, and lots of wishes for you to have a bit of fun tucked into the days of your lives. I’ll be taking a podcast and Tea Time Tuesday break, but will be back soon!
Last week, I explored a wild canyon with the man who is my real life valiant hero.
I have been pondering "should" lately — we are often ruled by them: “You should…” but most of my life, I have lived by the beat of a different drummer and it has led me to joy, peace, delight, deep love.
No amount of ranting or complaining can change the fact that we live in a fallen world. I wish I had known sooner that I needed to accept this reality, to determine to grow up, to build up my strength little by little.
How we live through these seasons following hard after God at every point, leaves us with a soul satisfying story, because we learn that God was with us and faithful at every point.
We must rule over our domains in such a way to have order, rhythms, traditions, and anchors in our schedule that provide for this divine reflection of what God has done.
Today, I am so happy to share my conversation with you that my friend Jennifer Pepito and I had earlier this week. As a seasoned mama of 7, she brings gentleness, peace, fun, insight, and wisdom to us mamas on our journey.
Growing older wisely means to have more ability to love generously, to forgive, to allow people time to grow as you need time to grow, and to watch over your heart that it might not be eaten up by self-righteousness of bitterness. Put anger and harsh criticism away and put on love.
We came up with a model that worked for our family called LifeGIFTS. Each letter in the word gifts stood for one of the five areas I held as a grid in my mind to focus on each day: grace, inspiration, faith, training, and service.
Giggling, belly laughing and guffawing they say are good for your soul — even scripture teaches that a joyful heart is good medicine. Today on my podcast, Keelia, Nathan, and I could not stop laughing. We hope you enjoy the merriment.
God is with us, He will answer and He cares for you. Today, in my podcast, I speak of ways and rhythms I practice in my life to bring my being back to health and strengthen and ways to keep myself going forward.
It took a lifetime to build our home and environment and books and rhythms that echo through all of the days -- tea mornings, breakfast every day, evening meals… it is fun to see how much my children have adopted and applied these things in their own way.
It is simple to see all the flaws in my children, my husband, and myself. But that is not healthy or biblical. I am practicing several commitments to help me see each person for who they are inside and to bring a fresh wind of grace to each moment.
I snuck out of the house, I betook myself to a lovely breakfast in an outdoor cafe and breathed in peace, and centered myself for an hour before jumping back into the wild of life. Finally, my life began to be centered, ideas flowed and peace ruled. Take time for yourself to sit, ponder and sip.
Our multitudinous little tasks, washing one more dish, correcting one more attitude, kissing one more cheek, when given from a heart full of love for Him, pleases Him far more than if we made millions & had a title of strategic importance.
Habits of grace -- I call these rhythms that bring moments of civility into your day -- or give pause and peace to your week.
As a mother who has raised four children from birth into adulthood, engaging my life & faith in the lives of my children has been my most fulfilling, fruitful work.
When we value a person, we speak well of them, affirm their worth, cherish their lives. They have significance in this world; God has created them with purpose and meaning to His story in the world. Celebrating someone takes time and energy and planning.
We will never be perfect or adequate on our own, but we are adequate when we walk by faith and live into God's provision for strength, joy, growth and wisdom.
As I have watched my girls flourish as women and as professionals, I see them stretching into the women God made them to be. I absolutely love women of every background, story, and personality and want to champion them all.
Whatever we water in the souls of our hearts will certainly grow. And if we water "weeds" in the garden of our souls, they will certainly take over and devastate the crop of faith, love, thankfulness, grace, joy.
Collecting details about Queen Elizabeth's life was the source of Tea Time Tuesday podcast today. Enjoy and celebrate with me, one whose life has so much wisdom and experience to fill our own vision for life.
When a child has a sense of family culture, the traditions they practice over a lifetime, it provides a sense of confidence in who he or she is and what light and goodness that culture has brought to the world.